Lip blushing is a variation of lip tattooing. Marked by a more translucent wash of color and a softer border that traditional lip tattoos.
Lip blushing while not as common as brow procedures are a versatile and life changing option for my clients. Ranging from a flush cherry tint to a soft barely there pink in colors. Options for finishes can range from opaque polished full lip color all the through a soft barely there blended lip liner that fades into your own lip color. The procedure heals quickly usually 3-5 days and can be done any time of the year. The best form of long-term care is an SPF lip balm of 50 or higher. For best results I recommend a daily lip scrub and extra hydration leading up to your appointment. Some clients may want to address an undefined lip border, color loss, asymmetry in lip shape and even a very modestly larger lip shape. This must be done conservatively for sure! We can extend your lip border up on to the vermilion border of the lip (a thin colorless border around your lips with vertical striations) but no further. An important note is for anyone who has ever had a cold sore an antiviral is necessary to prevent an outbreak during healing. Your doctor can give you a prescription for one. Ideally a few days prior and a few days post procedure, as the doctor recommends.
Before and after of lip blushing freshly done above and healed below
